Graduate Theses
One of UT Permian Basin’s most academically diverse colleges, the College of Arts & Sciences contributes to the education of virtually every student at UTPB through its core curriculum. The College of Arts & Sciences offers more than 30 degree programs in arts, humanities, social sciences, biology, and chemistry. In addition to excellent teaching, the college produces quality research and creative work.
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
The Effects of Fixed-Ratio and Fixed-Interval Schedules of Reinforcement on Generalization Gradients, Christy L. Sutton
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Eliminating Drooling Behavior in an Adult Diagnosed Mentally Retarded Male, John Allison
An Assessment of Two Behavioral Group Strands (Self Help Skills and Communication Skills) of the Behavior Characteristic Progression System, Betty M. Condray
The Application of Behavior Modification Techniques to Two Geriatric Patients, Beth A. Schneider
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Cognitive Construct Systems, Sociometric Choices, and Interpersonal Attraction, Roland Dougherty