Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)


Pedagogical Studies

Supervisory Committee Chair

Russ Johnson, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Clarence D. Kron, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

R. Colbert Rhodes


An evaluation and recommendations for change to the vocational education program at Stanton High School was conducted on the basis of existing programs, community needs survey, interviews with administration personnel, and a review of literature on vocational education. A survey of the 204 Class AA high schools was conducted to ascertain the type of vocational programs that were provided and the reasons for inclusion of each listed program. 166 responses were received. The accumulated data was then translated into tables showing what existed, what was being done elsewhere, and what was perceived as being needed.

The resulting recommendations supported current data in the field suggesting need for expansion of vocational education. Integration of vocational education into the total educational plan for all students and flexibility of course offerings to reflect the needs of the students as well as community and Job market needs.



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