College of Education

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Pedagogical Studies

First Advisor

Patricio Jaramillo, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Muro Shintani, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Robert Ihinger, Ph.D.


The purpose of this study was to determine sentiments toward school expressed by ninth grade students and to further determine whether there were significances of differences in school sentiments expressed between Chicano and Anglo students and between male and female students. The School Sentiment Index, Secondary measured school sentiment by’ 83 items arranged into the following subscales: Mode of Instruction, Authority and Control, Interpersonal Relationships, Learning, School Social Structure and Climate, Peer, and General School Attitude. The instrument was administered to 402 subjects composed of 200 females and 202 males. This population included 313 Anglos, 79 Chicanos, 8 Blacks, and 2 Vietnamese.. On total scores, the mean score for general population revealed g tendency toward negative sentiment. No mean score on individual subscales repealed a tendency toward the positive side of 2.5. Analyses of variance performed to compare groups indicated significances . of differences between races on total scores. Learning, and General School Attitude and between the sexes on total test scores. Authority I and Control, School Social Structure and Climate, and General School Attitude. Generally, Chicanos and females expressed sentiments more negative than their counterparts.


BF637.S4.T46 1976



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