Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Supervisory Committee Chair

Camille Cassidy, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

James A. Eldridge, Ed.D.

Third Advisor

Patricia Sherblom, Ph.D.


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a season-long relaxation breathing program on anxiety and performance in track and field throwers. It was hypothesized that the relaxation breathing technique would help to reduce anxiety and increase overall performance. Use of a single-subject research design was used to allow ongoing monitoring of each athlete’s anxiety levels and performance. Results indicated that 2 of the 3 participants had improved performance and reduced trait anxiety over the course of the season. Additional results indicated that there was no significant difference in performance between participants and non-participants and that the changes in anxiety were not statistically significant. Suggestions for future research include increasing the sample size and using an outside administrator to conduct the study.



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