Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Supervisory Committee Chair

James Eldridge, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Richard Lloyd, Ed.D.

Third Advisor

Steven Aicinena, Ed.D.


Collegiate distance runners must always train year round to maintain shape respectively in the sport of cross country. Runners must train at high volumes to maximize their improvement in running long distances but they must also take notice of overtraining to avoid fatigue or possible injuries. It’s impossible to train all the areas with one type of workout. That’s where periodization from this manual will help. In simple terms, periodization is a one-word description of the pattern or division of the training program into “periods” that emphasize different training goals. A periodized running schedule is broken down into cycles that are a lot like setting short and long-term goals. The current project finds a balance between sharp sprints, repetition training, interval training, medium pace training and longer distance training. If the project gives positive results for a program it would a great asset for any collegiate cross country program.



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