Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Physical Education

Supervisory Committee Chair

Lois S. Hale, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

James Olson, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Pat Jaramillo, Ph.D.


This study was designed to test the effects of three kinds of verbal feedback on the form and accuracy of a tennis forehand volley. Four groups (corrective, positive, positive-corrective, and control), each composed of ten eighth-grade female students, were given a pre-test, an appropriate treatment, and a post-test. During the pre- and post-tests, subjects were tested simultaneously for form and accuracy. Accuracy was measured by placement of the volleys into court sections marked with different point values. Form was determined by a panel of trained judges who compared the subjects' tennis volley with a form criterion sheet prepared by the experimenter. No significant differences were found among the accuracy scores of the four treatment groups; however, the form scores of the three feedback groups were significantly higher (p4.01) than the form scores of the control group. The corrective and the positive-corrective feedback groups scored higher (p<.0l) than the positive group on the form of the tennis volley, but there was no significant difference between the scores of the corrective and the positive-corrective groups. The results indicated that feedback had a greater effect on form improvement in the tennis volley than no feedback, although the effects of feedback did not generalize to the accuracy of the volley. It was concluded also that corrective. or a combination of corrective and positive feedback resulted in higher form scores than positive feedback alone.



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