Graduate Theses
Date of Award
Fall 12-1986
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Education (MAE)
Supervisory Committee Chair
Terry J. Anderson
This project is concerned with the importance of parental involvement in children learning to read. Research shows children who view reading as an important and valuable process develop a more positive attitude toward learning to read. Children involved in reading activities at home learn to read earlier and have improved comprehension over children who have no experiences reading in the home. Parent involvement can take place in the home or at school as classroom volunteers. This project contains a volunteer handbook for parents and teachers. Included are characteristics of a volunteer, tips for teachers, suggested activities for the classroom and suggested activities for parents to use at home.
Recommended Citation
Bond, Janet Lynn, "Making the Most of Volunteer Help: A handbook for parents and teachers" (1986). Graduate Theses. 1.
Included in
Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Development Studies Commons, Early Childhood Education Commons, First and Second Language Acquisition Commons, Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons, Vocational Education Commons