Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Supervisory Committee Chair

Spencer K. Thompson, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

James Olson, Ph.D.


The effect of regularly scheduled class meetings on the self concept and academic performance of emotionally disturbed adolescent males was investigated. Twelve boys, ranging in age from twelve to fifteen participated in the study. The Tennessee Self Concept Scale was administered to the subjects in the control group (n=6) and the experimental group (n=6) at the beginning and again at the end of a six month treatment period. During the treatment period, the experimental group participated in bi-weekly class meetings held for the following purposes: 1) to compliment each other, 2) to help each other, 3) to solve problems, and 4) to plan events (Nelsen, 1987). The subjects in the control group did not participate in class meetings. Scores obtained by each subject on midterm and final exams in English were compared to determine change in academic performance. Results indicated no significant change in self concept or academic performance (p > .05). However, when comparing the total decrease in the scores of the control group with the total increase in the scores of the experimental group on English exams, a significant difference was found (p < .01). Minutes were recorded during all class meetings. Positive changes such as an increase in self control, cooperation and enthusiasm were noted by the investigator.


BF697.5.S43.W45 1990



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