Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Pedagogical Studies

Supervisory Committee Chair

Clarence D. Kron, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Robert C. Rhodes, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

R. Scott Irwin, Ph.D.


During the past decade, people in most areas of public and private life have turned to questioning the conditions under which they live and the quality of life itself. After years of rapid expansion, deficiencies, obsolete facilities, and practices, inadequacies in the educational product, and lack of long-term goals that are generally agreed upon by consumer and producer became apparent. Many people think that somebody is responsible for the shortcomings and should be held accountable. Determining responsibility for learning results is complicated by the many variables, controllable and uncontrollable, that affect the outcomes of the learner's experiences. Who is responsible for determining the quality of education for our students? How can those responsible isolate the factors that can fairly be charged to the school from the multitude of other forces in the student himself and his life that determine what he learns and how well he learns? This paper attempts to examine these questions and find at least partial answers for one particular district.



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