College of Education

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Al Milliren, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Peter Ienatsch, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Jose Ruiz-Escalante, Ed.D.


The psychotherapeutic environment is changing. Pressure from outside the profession is motivating changes that are resulting in cost cutting and cost containment. Health management organizations and preferred provider organizations are beginning to control third party payment to mental health providers. This is counselling the profession to reevaluate and remodel how it performs therapy as numbers of sessions become more limited. Therapy is changing from a long lasting relationship with a therapist, in which personality transformation is sought for the client, to forms of brief therapy in which only problems and solutions, arising from the immediate issues, are focused on. This work will look at why this is taking place, what the theoretical basis of brief therapy is, what claims of efficacy are being made through research, and what the implications are for the professional.



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