College of Education

Date of Award

Winter 12-2010

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Jeannine Hurst, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Roy Hurst, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Rachel Juarez-Torres, Ed.D.


Bibliotherapy is the use of books and other print media for the purpose of instructing the audience about a certain topic. Developmental bibliotherapy is a form of bibliotherapy in which a teacher or other facilitator presents a book to a group in order to help instruct a desired behavior. This study was conducted to determine the effects of developmental bibliotherapy instruction over the course of a six weeks time period in the Kindergarten classroom. I wanted to determine the effectiveness of the bibliotherapy program as it related to teaching problem solving behaviors for a small group of students. The students included in the study were students struggling with ADHD behaviors in the classroom setting. The data indicated three themes that were important for the success of the bibliotherapy process: student connections to the text, comprehension of the text, and plans for implementing the text. In this multiple case study, improvements in student behavior was often dependent on these themes.



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