Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Pedagogical Studies

Supervisory Committee Chair

James A. Nickel, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

R. Scott Irvin, Ph.D.


This study was a statewide survey that attempted to determine the value of Texas history programs and the status of the materials available. Information was gathered in a survey of selected schools with an Average Daily Attendance of at least 10,000 students during the 1979-1980 school year. The data was summarized and analyzed in eight tables. The conclusions of this study Indicate; (1) the movement to eliminate the required teaching of Texas history is in great disfavor with the teachers of Texas history; (2) the state required minimum of 24 hours of history is considered adequate; (3) most school districts have had a helpful workshop within the last two years; (4) most teachers of Texas history feel that the teaching of Texas' history is very valuable to their students: (5) most school districts did not pick their current text due to the use of a previous edition, but because of the reading level or organization.


D16.166.B76 1980



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