"Rapid Toilet Training with Children using Behavior Modification Techni" by Robbie N. Rogers

Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Arts & Education

Supervisory Committee Chair

Patricio Jaramillo, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Robert Gerry, Ph.D.


This is basically a replication study of the Azrin and Foxx method of toilet training utilizing behavior modification techniques. This systematic procedure was first applied to institutionalized retardates by Azrin and Foxx; therefore, the author's Intent was to prove that this same procedure would be successful with normal children who met certain developmental criteria and were twenty months of age and older. Twenty subjects were used in this study, eleven males and nine females whose ages ranged from twenty to thirty-six months. None of the children had prior toilet training experience. Seventeen of, the twenty children were trained successfully initially. The longest time to train was eight hours while the shortest time was three hours. The average time was four and one-half hours. The author discusses the deviations encountered and the effects upon those who were unsuccessful. The author concluded that this method of toilet training is indeed successful for normal children.


BF637.B4.R64 1980



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