Graduate Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Supervisory Committee Chair

Al Milliren, Ed.D.

Second Advisor

Terryl Anderson, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Jose Ruiz-Escalante, Ed.D.


A study was performed on at-risk students in the Midland Independent School District, Midland, Texas, utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming as a counseling technique for improving the self-esteem of ninth grade students. Students were divided into control and treatment groups and pretested and post-tested using the School Attitude Measure. The treatment group was given twelve sessions of counseling utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming. The subtests. Academic Self-Concept, Performance and Reference Based, and Instructional Mastery indicated a favorable trend. The significant differences in the means between the pretest and posttest was Motivation for Schooling and the overall School Attitude Measure. There was sufficient evidence to say that NLP positively affects self-esteem of ninth grade students.


BF637.N46.T87 1994



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